A new national vote that respects the original Brexit referendum

Given the national vote in favour of Brexit, the UK government has negotiated with the European Union to arrive at the following plan: (fill in details).

1. Do you approve of this plan? (Yes, No, Abstain)
If the Yes vote for #1 exceeds No + Abstain, then the parliament agrees to endorse it and the next questions will not be counted.
2. Do you approve of a Brexit without any plan? (Yes, No, Abstain)
If the Yes vote for #2 exceeds No + Abstain, then the parliament agrees to endorse it and the next questions will not be counted.
3. Do you approve of staying in the EU (i.e., revoking article 50 notification)? (Yes, No, Abstain)
If the Yes vote for #3 exceeds No + Abstain, then the parliament agrees to endorse it.
4. Do you approve of the parliament deciding on any new plan for changing relations with the E.U. or should any plan be put to another national vote? (Parliament, National vote, Abstain).
Whichever option gets the most votes in #4, the parliament agrees to abide by. (This question will not be counted if Yes vote exceeds No + Abstain for either #1 or #2.)

Unlike a straight do-over of the original Brexit referendum, this 4-question referendum respects the results of the original referendum as well as the role of the government in translating any referendum into a specific plan. Opposition to such a 4-question referendum is not democratic in the sense of combining referenda with elected representative government.

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